Case Study No. 7: New residential building in Worcester

Planning permission granted for a new building with two apartments in

Following a previously dismissed appeal on the site, we were approached
to prepare a revised application for a new building to accommodate two apartments.
In so doing, we sought to demonstrate that the previous reasons for refusal had been
addressed. Those reasons concerned:

  • The impact of the proposal on the street scene;

  • The effect of the proposal on the significance on a heritage asset; and

  • The living conditions that would be experienced by future occupiers.

We prepared a Planning Statement setting out how the scheme complied with the
development plan and would deliver other benefits, including housing, in accordance
with central government policy, and improvements to the area’s character.  We
submitted the revised application, supported by various documents including traffic
and noise surveys.  The application was recommended for approval by Officers who
agreed that the Council’s previous concerns, and those of the Planning Inspector,
had been addressed.  Planning permission was granted.

Subsequently we submitted an alternative application for a House in Multiple
Occupation on the site.  We addressed Planning Committee where it was agreed that
planning permission should be granted.